Flies are excellent at spreading disease and bacteria, walking across surfaces they excrete saliva as they feed transferring bacteria from their last meal. Flies not only present a health hazard health but they leave witness marks to their presence in small brown dots around ceilings and lights. Flies present a problem to businesses and homes.

House Flies

The commonest flying pest in buildings. A prolific breeder and feeder among refuse and excrement from which it flies to human food. In a hot summer, the egg to adult life cycle takes only 10 days. Overwinters as a brown pupa.

Flies carry and spread a wide range of gastro enteric illnesses and food poisoning organisms. In warm countries these include diphtheria, cholera and dysentery.


Bluebottles, Greenbottles and Flesh Flies are characterised by their large size, buzzing flight and iridescent sheen. They are attracted to meat and fish product, upon which they lay their eggs (or ‘Blow’ their maggots) as well as feed.

Notorious disease carriers and spoilers of food. Their maggots sometimes travel in large numbers from refuse, into buildings.

Fruit Flies

Also known as Vinegar flies, these very small, red-eyed flies have a slow hovering flight with their abdomen hanging downwards. Various species breed among over-ripe fruit, fermenting liquids, peelings, dregs and residues of drinks. Their eggs are often cemented firmly inside bottles.

Not major disease carriers, but an unacceptable form of contamination in public houses, drinks factories, fruit warehouses, dairies, bottling plants and similar premises.

Cluster Flies

At about 9mm long, the Cluster Fly is slightly larger than the common house fly. The thorax is dark olive grey, with fine golden hairs which can easily be rubbed off. There are no distinct lines or stripes behind the head and the abdomen has irregular light and dark grey areas.

The female lays eggs in the soil near the burrows of earthworms. The tiny maggots that hatch from the eggs seek out earthworms to feed upon. As cold weather progresses, adults seek protected places to spend the winter, particularly during September and October. In many cases the flies seek shelter within roof voids and attics, usually returning to the same building year after year and often favoring south facing buildings.

Control of flies can be achieved in various ways. For commercial establishments proofing of window and door openings can keep out adult flies. The use of ultra violet electronic fly killers and insecticides can also be used against fly activity.

Hiring a reputable pest control company like EnviroGuard to deal with fly infestations in a responsible and professional manner will help to achieve quick and cost effective control.

For further details about fly infestations please enquire online or give us a call.